Tuesday, May 10, 2005

heading out

Hi All,
Just wanted to update everyone about what has been going on in relation to my Peace Corps service.

I have basically finished my Master's of Public Health degree and am only finishing up loose ends like communication and presentation of my thesis work regarding instant noodles to various folks that assisted me during the project.

I will be in Zambia for Peace Corps working as an HIV/AIDS community mobilizer. I have what experience I have garnered in the past two years here at Emory, at the international AIDS conference in Bangkok, and at various volunteer positions I have had while here in Atlanta.

I have much more to learn though (don't we all).

I will be leaving the country from Philadelphia the 24th of May for Zambia and plan on being there about 2 months for training in Kitwe (northern Zambia) after which time I will be assigned to a post (village, I hope) in another part of Zambia.

When posted, I will have to remain there without leaving for the first three months. After that, I will be allowed to visit cities and/or leave my post.

Peace Corps service lasts two years and I may extend another year. Depends on the situation.

You all are welcome to visit after I have been at my post for three months (not allowed before then) and I recommend that you wait at least 6 months so that I know my way around.

I may take a trip to Guinea/Senegal in search of djembe knowledge at some point, so let me know if anyone is interested in meeting up.

E-mails for the duration are equatoriano2003@yahoo.com and niko74@gmail.com.

Mail can be sent during training in Kitwe to Nicholas Welch/PCT, c/o Peace Corps, PO Box 21527, Kitwe, Zambia.

I will update my two-year address when I know which region I will be assigned to.

Feel free to post to this site, keeping in mind my web access is going to be limited for the next coupl years.

Best to all.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Just testing to see how this works.
